Sports Field and Jogging Route

The sports field with a grass pitch is perfect for various track and field sports. A 6-km trail starts right next to the sports field. In summer it has a sawdust surface, and in winter the lit trail is groomed for classic and skate skiing styles. If you want to roam in the wilderness, follow the Kukkeistenpolku hiking trail that begins at the jogging trail. In the winter there is a 10-km tour skiing trail. Other options include the 24-km Elsa Heporauta trail in the Torikko wilderness area and the 13-km Norppapolku trail, which runs through splendid landscapes and varied terrain. There are campfire sites along all of the trails (see Hiking and Cycling for more information).

Contact details

Urheilukenttä ja kuntorata
Kenttätie 5, Puumala
Virpi Tuovinen, +358 (0)50 375 856 9, virpi.tuovinen(at)